Goodbye blogspot....

Remember I said that things were going to change? (go here, for example). Well, things are going to change. Please watch this space: it will take a few days to happen, but I will keep you posted.
Why the chalicothere, I hear you ask? Well that would be telling, wouldn't it. Sorry about lack of promised vampire post, it's still due to appear. Sorry also to those owed emails, please be patient.
UPDATE (added 23-1-2007): I should be able to let you know what's happening later today. And no prizes for the many that have guessed correctly already.
UPDATE 2 (added in the small hours of the morning on 24-1-2007): ok, things are nearly ready. Drumroll. So, I said that things are changing. No, I do not (yet) have a proper job. No, I am not moving to myspace (very funny). Am I moving to scienceblogs? Yes. As many of you correctly guessed, Tetrapod Zoology is moving, so you will need to update your browsers, change links etc. The full transition is occurring as I type, and I should have the url by the end of today: though the first post is up and ready (and I can view it), I don't know if it's publicly accessible, so don't waste your time by trying to find it. So far as I know, the year's archive of posts here on blogspot will remain, and of course I'll be linking back to these posts from time to time. Please check back soon for the new url...
...hello MySpace???
Moving to Sb? (If not, it is about time they invited you.)
Got a job?
ScienceBlogs, eh? I believe the word the kids are using these days is "woot!"
I live in Panama and I am raising two two toed sloths. I think that I have two females but now I am not sure. They are about 1 year 3 months old. How will I tell if I have a male?
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